CreateAdditionalRates Prototype

OIPAnow supports the ability to generate a set of new date-based rates using an activity. These rates will be added to an existing rate table, as long as the rate table contains only one rate group.

Configuration Required

The following configuration must be in place to support the addition of date-based rates using an activity:

  • The CreateAdditionalRates rate group must exist with at least one date-driven rate.

Prototype Explanation

The following business rules and transactions were configured in the System Plan, located within the Prototype Company, to demonstrate this new functionality.


  • PlanLevelCreateAdditionalRates: This transaction allows the user to add new rates to a specific rate group that contains date-driven rates. It fetches the last applicable rate for the most recent date for the selected rate group, then multiplies this retrieved rate with the Rate Factor entered by the user. The resulting value is then stored in a collection math variable. Upon processing this activity, the generated rate will be added to AsRate. To view the prototype configuration, navigate in the Main Explorer to Companies | Prototype Company | Plans | System Plan | Transactions | PlanLevelCreateAdditionalRates and click on the XMLSource pane. The key configuration for this transaction is explained below.
    • The RateEffectiveDate field allows the user to enter the effective starting date for the rate.
    • The RateFactor field allows the user to enter the multiplier to calculate the new rate based on the original rate.

Business Rules

  • CreateAdditionalRates: This business rule adds the new rate to AsRate with the Date Criteria specified by the user. To view the prototype configuration, navigate in the Main Explorer to Companies | Prototype Company | Plans | System Plan | Business Rules | Attached Rules | CreateAdditionalRates and click on the XMLSource pane. The key configuration for this business rule is explained below.

    • The <RateGroup> element encloses the configuration required for the creation of a new set of rates.
    • The <RateDescription> element specifies the name of the math variable--RateDescriptionMV in this prototype configuration--that holds the rate description.
    • The <CreateRate> element encloses the configuration required for adding a new record to the rate group and AsRate with the specified rate description. It can be used multiple times to create multiple records in AsRate. The element has several child elements:
      • The <DateCriteria> element contains a date value used to add to the DateCriteria column in the AsRate table.
      • The <Criteria> element contains additional criteria values that need to be considered when adding the new rate. It contains <Criterion> child elements that specify the name and value of a single criterion.
      • The <RateCollection> element specifies the name of the collection math variable that contains the new rate value, which is mapped to the Integer Criteria as the key.

View Prototype in OIPA

  1. Log in to OIPA using the Prototype Company user ID and password.
  2. Select Tables > Rates from the main menu at the top of the screen.
  3. Enter "CreateAdditionalRates" into the Rate Group field and click Find.
  4. Select one of the rows that appears in the CREATEADDITIONALRATES section of the screen.
  5. Enter criteria of your choosing in the RATECRITERIA section of the screen and click Filter.
  6. The search results will appear in the RATESEARCHRESULTS section of the screen. Make a note of the rates that correspond to a given date criterion.
  7. Navigate to the Company Activity screen.
  8. Add the PlanLevelCreateAdditionalRates activity.
  9. Enter information in the Rate Effective Date and Rate Factor fields.
  10. Process the PlanLevelCreateAdditionalRates activity.
  11. View the updated rate for the previously noted date criterion.